If 2020 was a calendar (which, yes, I recognize it was), it was full of ripped, tear-stained, scratched-out pages, that were then covered in white-out, rewritten on, then scratched out again. When …
Topic: Self-Care
Stuck-at-Home: Crafts That Build Skills
It can be easy to fill your time with less-than-healthy habits like streaming video and scrolling on social media. COVID-19 has made that boredom urge a safe solution. To combat that habit, …
Military Families Look Back at 2020
As we say goodbye (and good riddance!) to 2020, military spouses look forward to a new year with fresh opportunities. Perhaps 2021 will be the year you get the duty station of …
Oh, the Places You’ll Read
For military families, the only constant in our lives is change. New friends, new places, new house, new job, new school. This can often feel like a daunting position to be in …
How Boundaries Can Help Us in Polarizing Times
We are in unprecedented times as humans and as Americans. Many of the things we are facing today can be polarizing, as we all have our own opinions and beliefs. Lately it …
Holidays Hitting Differently in 2020?
In any other year but this one, my holiday shopping would be complete by now. My blood type would have been seasonally transfused with PSL positive and I would have vacations and …