For the first time ever, I’ll be enjoying Christmas Eve free from assembling toys, wrapping gifts, tiptoeing around my own house and staying up way past my bedtime. This is the first …
Military Life
What This Veteran’s Wife Is Thankful For
In the month of Veterans Day and Thanksgiving, it seems fitting to reflect on all I’m thankful for as the spouse of a retired veteran. My husband retired from the Marines a …
Ways to Make Meal Planning and Grocery Shopping Simple
I think it is safe to say that all of us military spouses (and everyone else, for that matter) are feeling the effects of inflation more and more with each passing month. …
Being Resilient Is More Than Being Strong
The word “resilience” is a dirty word in the military community. Too often, it’s used as an unhelpful band-aid to cover the challenges of military life. Military spouses are told it will …
Military Life on the Outskirts
I knew it was in the works, so it was absolutely not a surprise when my husband copied me on an email about a U.S. Marine Corps separation brief. But, in the …
Wherever You Move, Taste Something New
There’s a running joke among military families that they joined the military to “see the world,” but the parts they ended up seeing were never on their wish list! This is partially …