Register here for the 2020 Virtual Military Spouse Symposium. The 3rd annual Virtual Military Spouse Symposium, hosted by the Department of Defense Spouse Education and Career Opportunities program, had everything a military …
Military Life
How Military Life Shaped Me
When the opportunity to serve our country arose, my husband and I decided together that it would be a great opportunity for both of us. While my husband has the commission, I …
Navigating COVID-19 as a MilKid
I’m Ryan, a 19-year-old Navy brat. I have spent my life all around the world, having moved ten times, attended nine different schools, and persevered through several six-to-eight-month deployments. My family is …
When the 20-year Mark Gets Real
The panic that strikes when I flip the calendar page and realize I have something scheduled the first week of the new month is real. I mean, I wrote the deadline, or …
Jar of Gratefulness
This was my jar of gratefulness, a jar you fill with scraps of paper on which you’ve written things you’re grateful for or, more often, things you hope will come to fruition. …
Don’t Forget the Kids When You PCS
It is 8:43 p.m. on a Monday night at the end of November as I sit here typing out this blog. If I’m being really honest, I’m splitting my attention between fleshing …