Deciding where to spend the holidays seems to be a popular struggle in the military community. And I’m here to tell you it is okay not to go visit family. I hope …
Topic: Family
Prepare for Deployment on Short Notice
If you are experiencing a deployment and want to talk to someone, call 800-342-9647 or go online to schedule a consultation. The military doesn’t always give you advance warning for a deployment. …
Why I am Thankful for Long Distance
LDR. Possibly one of the most dreaded acronyms we’ll ever use. My husband and I were together for four years before we kissed our LDR (long distance relationship) goodbye and actually got …
Deployed for the Holidays
We’re getting to that point in the year when everyone starts getting excited for the holidays. Stores are setting up their holiday decorations, and friends and family start planning holiday parties. Usually, …
Not Your Grandma’s #MilLife
My grandma was my person. She got me. She saw me. She was always — no questions asked — in my corner. I spent nearly every day at her house under her …
What I’m Good At
I had coffee recently with a friend. Wait…let me rephrase that. I asked a friend to pretty-please meet me at church while the kids were in classes because that’s the only adult …