Valentine’s Day can come with a mixed bag of emotions, and more recently, there has been a steep decline in the popularity of celebrating Valentine’s Day. Even if you are in a …
Struggling with Trust During Deployment
When couples spend time separated by long distances, it’s common to run into problems with miscommunication and misunderstandings. During deployment, when communication is sometimes limited or unavailable, military couples often struggle to …
Keeping the Art of Letter Writing Alive
My husband and I have an unusual treasure: an old cardboard boot box. It’s bright yellow and originally contained his first pair of military boots. It’s still in our closet now, 18 …
Why I am Thankful for Long Distance
LDR. Possibly one of the most dreaded acronyms we’ll ever use. My husband and I were together for four years before we kissed our LDR (long distance relationship) goodbye and actually got …
Not Your Grandma’s #MilLife
My grandma was my person. She got me. She saw me. She was always — no questions asked — in my corner. I spent nearly every day at her house under her …
I Now Pronounce You a Military Spouse
Congratulations! I hope you’ve popped the bubbly and are thrilled to start this new life. Whatever your vision is for the day, entering this new world starts with a wedding. Large or …