Woman walking in street

The Best Summer Ever

Summer vacations offer military spouses a much needed break. As summer approaches, I find myself reminiscing about one of the most cherished memories of my life.

Let me take you back to one of the most unforgettable summers I’ve ever experienced as a military spouse and mom, even though technically, I wasn’t either. It all began during my husband’s deployment when I was presented with an unexpected opportunity for solo exploration. With the kids safely with their grandparents, I was free to embark on a journey that would redefine the meaning of freedom and exploration for me. Let’s call it my military mom’s summer vacation, aka, that one summer I had no kids or husband.

The Sweet Taste of Independence

I love my husband and my kids, but I took my boys to their grandparents on a Friday, and I was in Germany by Sunday evening. Both flights cost me zero dollars because I used the Air Force’s space-available travel program, lovingly referred to as Space-A. Boarding the Space-A flight back to Germany, I felt a mix of nerves and excitement fluttering in my stomach. The anticipation tingled on my skin as the plane soared through the clouds, carrying me toward a summer filled with endless possibilities. It was a taste of independence — sweet and exhilarating — as I realized the world was mine to explore. Many military spouses dream of exotic summer vacations. I was about to live the dream.

I opened the front door to our apartment and listened to the silence. I almost cried. Not because I already missed them, but because I forgot to make them clean their rooms. I checked for food and shut the doors. It’s their problem, not mine.

I can’t tell you what I did the next few days — it was a blur. A pleasant, quiet, do exactly what I wanted to do kind of blur.

After a week had passed, I cleaned their rooms. But something dawned on me — I had barely scratched the surface of what I could experience during this newfound period of independence. With the entirety of Germany and Europe at my feet, I felt a surge of excitement at the prospect of delving deeper into my summer bucket list.

Adventures were waiting to be embraced and experiences were waiting to unfold. I yearned to embark on road trips across the scenic landscapes of Germany, to meander along winding roads lined with lush greenery, charming villages and Rieslings. Beyond Germany’s borders, I dreamt of witnessing the exhilarating spectacle of the running of the bulls in Pamplona, Spain, with friends. I envisioned late nights filled with sangria and flamenco. Sometimes your dreams come true, and sometimes they don’t. But let’s mash the gas, I’m getting a little ahead of the story.

Road Tripping Through Germany’s Charms

I’m not sure if you’ve ever been to Baumholder. It’s a quaint little town we affectionately call “The Rock.” It gained notoriety as Hitler’s training camp because the weather there was always exaggerated. You’d glance out the window and expect a miserable day. Yet, once you descended the hill, it felt as if the heavens had parted, revealing blue skies and warm sunshine.

With the open road stretching out before me, I embarked on a journey through the heart of Germany. The air was alive with the scent of wildflowers and freshly cut grass, and the sunlight filtered through the lush green canopy overhead. I went to museums and stopped to take pictures. Each quaint small town I visited was a symphony of sights and sounds — the gentle chiming of church bells, the laughter of other people’s children playing in cobblestone streets, the aroma of hearty German cuisine wafting from bustling cafes, and the strong coffee, pulling me in like a puppet’s string.

A European Adventure With Friends

Joined by three adventurous girlfriends, also military moms on vacation, I set out on a road trip to Vienna, Bratislava and Budapest. The thrill of camaraderie infused each moment with joy as we navigated winding roads and discovered hidden gems along the way. The taste of traditional dishes danced on our tongues, and the vibrant colors of market stalls painted a picture of culture and tradition. We were having so much fun, we wanted to extend the trip a day or two. One of us, who shall be nameless, was not as free as the rest of us, so we had to go back.

Solitude Amidst Spectacle: Pamplona’s Running of the Bulls

But not all adventures were shared. My friends bailed on me at the last minute. However, given the opportunity to witness the running of the bulls in Pamplona, I embraced it wholeheartedly, undeterred by the prospect of going solo. Despite the last-minute betrayal of my friends, I left on the journey alone. I embraced the thrill of the unknown and the exhilaration of experiencing this iconic event firsthand.

As thundering hooves and scrambling footsteps echoed through the narrow streets, adrenaline surged through me. It was 8 a.m., a moment of pure exhilaration amidst the festive chaos. By 8:05 a.m., it was all over. There I was, witnessing it firsthand, sangria in hand — you know, the one I had dreamt about.

The plan was simple:

1. Pursue personal hobbies: Engage in activities like journaling or reading.
2. Travel: Explore new and exciting destinations.
3. Wellness: Treat yourself to spa days and wellness activities.

Amidst travel, I cherished quiet solitude in cozy cafes or under ancient trees, losing myself in books and journaling. The aroma of the coffee, the scent of ink, and the rustle of pages provided a soothing backdrop to bustling city life.

I found solace in the company of some of my favorite German wines, their rich flavors dancing on my palate as I savored each sip. Days stretched languidly as I whiled away hours in cafes with views of the Rhine and Mosel rivers, their tranquil waters reflecting the beauty of the surrounding vineyards. With pen in hand and paper before me, I felt a sense of creative inspiration stirring within — a well-deserved alchemy born from the union of solitude and nothing to do.

Gratitude for the Journey

As the summer ended, I found myself filled with gratitude for the experiences that had shaped me. This military spouse’s summer vacation helped me understand the things I needed to make time for going forward.

Each moment had left an indelible mark on my soul, a testament to the transformative power of travel and the boundless possibilities that await those brave enough to embark on the journey. Every day, I returned home, my heart overflowing with memories and lessons learned. I knew that the spirit of adventure would forever burn brightly within me. Even though my kids were gone, I felt the intensity I could only imagine was childhood wonder, a reminder that the magic of exploration knows no age. I’m pretty sure that summer made me a better mom. Even if it didn’t, I’m okay with that too.

Stacey is a blogger and Army spouse sharing her experiences as a BIPOC woman navigating the ever-changing landscape of military life. She loves traveling and is passionate about inclusivity in the military community.

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