As I write this, we are completing our first week of summer vacation. If you recall, in an earlier blog, I mentioned that our 13-year-old son asked for one week in the …
Topic: Young Children
Anticipating the TDY Routine
When we were stationed in Japan with two young kids, I learned to despise those little phases of separation. For some amount of time that usually fell between two and 30 days, …
What I Learned When I Left My Service Member Home With the Kids
For the past two decades, while my husband was serving in the Marine Corps infantry, I spent a lot of time taking care of our five children by myself. We were never …
Refocusing the “Just Three Years” Mindset
High school has been on my mind a lot lately, and it has absolutely nothing to do with the Super Bowl halftime shows of the past two years — though these performances …
Why My Children are Blessed to be Army Brats
Every year when I flip the calendar to April, I immediately see purple, and I feel a unique sense of ache in my heart that brings me simultaneous sadness and gratitude for …
Life with a Career
The military spouse community is a melting pot of diversity. We are all unique; we have different goals and dreams. We all figure out who we are inside this community. We represent …