Monday night, 7:30, mid-April, along with half a dozen other parents I’ve never met, I’m sitting in one of the many metal folding chairs lining the mirrored wall of a dance studio. …
PCSing This Summer? Do These Tasks Now!
For military families waiting on PCS orders, spring can be a painfully long and frustrating season. Maybe you know your service member will move, but you haven’t received official orders yet. You’re …
Settling Into a New Home
We are constantly shifting. Sometimes it feels like the dust barely settles before we are picking up all our things and transitioning again. A home means something else entirely when your surroundings …
Another New School? Hooray!
My four kids stood in front of me, bouncing up and down. “Are we moving, are we moving?!” they asked with huge grins. They overheard part of a phone conversation I was …
Getting Settled at Your New Duty Station
We just moved for the third time in the five years of my husband’s Army career. While we are still in the process of acclimating to our new home in North Carolina, …
How We Did a Full DITY With Two Kids
This past April, my husband and I did something we thought only crazy people did: a full Do It Yourself, or “DITY” move. While we knew the process would be daunting, we …