Even a salty Marine Corps spouse can still be a little naïve. I thought writing a blog on accepting our last orders a few months before our upcoming PCS would not only …
Topic: Making The Best Of PCS
What Military Spouses Learn To Love About the Seasons
I grew up as an east coast girl, living in the same house in Pennsylvania for 18 years until I moved away for college. Summer meant hot afternoons swimming in the pond, …
Settling Into a New Home
We are constantly shifting. Sometimes it feels like the dust barely settles before we are picking up all our things and transitioning again. A home means something else entirely when your surroundings …
Preparing for the Final PCS
Preparing for retirement Leaving the military happens on a different timeline for each individual. Some families have more advance notice to plan, while others feel “forced” to retire after being passed over …
Another New School? Hooray!
My four kids stood in front of me, bouncing up and down. “Are we moving, are we moving?!” they asked with huge grins. They overheard part of a phone conversation I was …
Moving With Kids
Every move, my kids are a little bit older making each transition different for them. As the years go on, there is a delicate balance between the muscle memory of moving and …