After a long deployment, it’s finally homecoming month! You’re so excited for your service member to return! But… you also have a quiet fear that everything won’t be rainbows and butterflies after …
Topic: Deployment
Surviving a TDY with Young Children
Back in April, my husband left for six weeks, when I was just six weeks postpartum with a newborn, a one-year-old, and a four-year-old who were each a full-time job in their …
When the Deployment Countdown is Taking Forever
Deployment can feel like a roller coaster with many emotional ups and downs. When you finally hit the halfway mark, it’s a celebration. Yay — you made it halfway! The next moment, …
Celebrating the Big Things … Twice
For the longest time, making big memories when my sailor was not home was something I avoided. My mindset changed once my preteen voiced his disappointment about not celebrating important things because …
How to Talk to Your Kids About a Big Change
You’ve just learned that your military family is moving. Or you have a deployment in your future. There are so many questions buzzing in your mind. If you’re a parent, one of …
Finding Hope When Military Life Feels Dreary
There are days when military life feels overwhelming. Maybe you are living in a difficult location, your service member has a challenging job right now, or you are dreading an upcoming move. …