I first attended a parenting class when my oldest child was three. My husband was preparing for a deployment and I was pregnant with our third baby. Our three-year-old already had trouble …
Talking to Children About Coronavirus
“I sure could use a hug right now.” How many of us have said those words before? Having a bad day, feeling sad, feeling stressed — a hug can often be the …
Keeping “Work” in Telework When You Have Kids at Home
It’s one thing to make a deliberate decision to accept a telecommuting job knowing full well your school-age kids will be out of the house during work hours and your bitty babies …
Promoting Reading for Military Kids
Learning to read is an important milestone for any child, but a parent’s job doesn’t end when your child finally learns to read on their own. You want to foster a love …
What I’m Good At
I had coffee recently with a friend. Wait…let me rephrase that. I asked a friend to pretty-please meet me at church while the kids were in classes because that’s the only adult …
Preparing Your MilKid for (Another) New School
It’s PCS season, which means that military kids across the country are preparing to enter a new school. For some students, who move every two to three years, this is a familiar …