Depending on your duty station and how obsessed your community is about Halloween, celebrating on base can be a lot of fun for the whole family. Usually, weeks before Halloween you will …
Topic: Teenagers
Creative Ways To Entertain Kids Indoors
I am all for being outside with our children. Most of our best family memories have taken place outdoors. Our son was born at Fort Hood, and while the summers were brutally …
Resources for Military Teens
Do you remember being a teenager? When I think about my teen years, I remember being extremely emotional, sensitive and wanting so badly to fit in among my peers. I also wanted …
Preparing Military Kids for Holiday Travel
If you’re like many military families, going home for the holidays is much more complicated than going “over the river and through the woods to Grandma’s house.” It’s more like going over …
Summer Habits That Prepare Kids for School
Ahhh, summer — the perfect season for kids to relax and take a break from all things school-related. Summer vacation is a time when parents don’t bother enforcing limits on screen time …
Youth Perspectives: Navigating COVID-19 as a MilKid
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to disrupt routines and cancel plans, we asked several Army National Guard teens to share their unique perspective on how their lives have been impacted and give …