Remember when you were a new parent delirious from the newborn slog, and another experienced parent would say something like, “You think this is hard? Just wait until he’s a toddler.” Super …
Topic: Teenagers
Four Things You Need to Know about DCFSA
My name is Jennifer Walker and I work with the Defense Department, in the Office of Personnel and Readiness. I am a Marine Corps veteran and a proud mom of three. I …
Parenting Through Goodbyes
The days are long, but the years really are short when it comes down to raising kids. They grow like weeds. Each PCS seems a little bit different as they grow up. …
Your Military Teenager
I counsel a lot of adolescents and teenagers and I cannot tell you how often I hear from parents that they have no idea who their teenager has become. One day they …
When Your Child Mentions a Future of Military Service
It wasn’t until our son was halfway between 11 and 12 years old that I started paying attention when he brainstormed aloud about what he wanted to be when he grows up. …
Lack of Tradition: The Secret to Lifelong Resilience
The 2022-2023 school year started with a twist at our house. The school our kids have attended for the last two years decided to switch their uniform policy and only allow uniforms …