Service member hugging child

Celebrating Military Moms

Just as mothers shape and mold their children, careers and life experiences can help shape a mother’s character and parenting skills. The experience of being a military mom is no doubt unique– whether you’re wearing the boots or standing beside them. This Mother’s Day, let’s celebrate military moms for the strength and resilience they share with their spouses and children every day.

Dear Military Mom,

You set clear priorities. The mobility of military life with PCS moves, deployments and changing orders forces military moms to focus on the things that matter most. It’s remarkable how you provide a sense of “home” for your family — no matter where you are.

  • You put your family first. You are each other’s constant through all the changes life throws your way. You teach your children how to be there for each other, no matter the distance.
  • You build teamwork into family life. You recognize the strengths each member of your family brings to the table and find ways for them to pitch in.
  • You make new friends. Every one-and-a-half to three years you recreate your local support system after a PCS.

You shape opportunities. Whether you’re experiencing deployment-induced solo-parenthood or long-distant parenting, you create opportunities to grow closer with your family.

  • You connect with your kids. Deployment demands a different kind of connection – email, snail mail, phone or video calls – but you have a magical way of making sure everyone feels special and important.
  • You reach your kids through different phases. You find projects to do with each of your children that leverage their strengths – like running errands with your teenager because they talk more when you’re in the car.
  • You support your spouse in long-distance parenting. You find ways to keep them updated and truly involved in family life, even when they’re far away.
  • You show love from halfway around the world. You’re a master at fun surprises, thoughtful gifts, family traditions and consistent communication.

You’re an example. Military moms are the glue that holds their families together and are a shining testament of toughness and creativity.

  • You overcome obstacles instead of giving up. Cars break down, appliances fail and basements flood, but you find a way around, over, under or through every hurdle.
  • You reach out and ask for help when you need it. You create your support network of other military moms and make use of the military resources available to you.
  • You’re independent and adventurous. You are brave enough to venture into a new country, culture or community with your family and help them thrive.

So here’s to all you military moms who are standing in or beside the boots (or both). Thank you for taking on military life with a can-do attitude. The way you shape challenges into opportunities and embrace each adventure makes you, your family and your country stronger.

Julie Dymon
Written By Julie Dymon
Navy spouse

Julie raised her family through PCSes, deployments, earthquakes and hurricanes during her 12 years as a Navy spouse. Give her a cookie — for real.

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